Sunday, June 30, 2019


I've just started reading a book by Francis Chan called "Letters to the Church" in which he talks about his own grappling with what the Christian church should be versus what it is today.  Having started a church that grew into a "Megachurch" he's now working to set up smaller churches in a network called "We Are Church." So far the book is pretty neat as he tries to get back to what the church was originally intended to be. He also touches on how in some ways some of our churches have lost their focus and maybe need to get back to basics.

I've been very fortunate to be the part of some very cool churches.  They were all places where I felt loved, encouraged and part of a community. During our time in Overland Park, Kansas we were members of Emmanuel Baptist Church. Having moved from Texas and not knowing anyone it was wonderful to get to know people there, many of whom are still lifelong friends. Similarly during our 18 months living in Perth, Australia, we were part of Subiaco Church where we joined an awesome small group that helped us grow spiritually and still today we are good friends with several people there halfway around the world!  And now here in Pearland, Texas we joined Lifepointe Fellowship just a couple of years ago and quickly got to know several awesome people who obviously love God and the people that visit there.

In my previous blog I mentioned that we are relational beings. I think we're missing this in our Western culture where many of us go to work, then go home and watch TV, or - increasingly - surf the internet on our smart devices for hours on end.  We never really connect with others except in superficial ways and it can be lonely doing life on your own.  When they function well, such as the ones I've experienced, churches have a strong sense of community. You can be part of an extended family that helps you with spiritual matters and the day-to-day stuff of life.  You can belong.

Back to Francis Chan's book and he emphasizes that God's plan to bring us together is sacred.  Beyond us simply going to a venue to experience something, or to do our duty, the idea of the church is to be Jesus's body.  His people (not the building) become His temple and somehow we connect with Him and with one another in a truly marvelous and mysterious way. I'm intrigued to read more of what he has to say (maybe a review in a future blog!!).

So, if you want to belong to a loving community, connected to one-another and connected to God, then that's another good reason to believe.


  1. Really enjoy your blog. Recommend watching "Happy" on Netflix, if you have not done so!
    See you my friend

    1. Thanks mate. Is this the movie...


Some good questions

In my last blog I talked about asking good questions in order to understand and go deeper, without bias or prejudice. In this blog I want t...