Friday, October 4, 2019

A New Creation

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”

Well done to those that have hung in there to the end!  We're now at my final one of 10 Reason to Believe, which is you will become a new creation. Of all the reasons, this is probably the toughest for me to write, not because it isn't important or very compelling, but because I became a Christian quite a long time ago and so it's tough to remember a time when I wasn't "a new creation."

The promise of the Bible and the experience of thousands and millions of people across the ages is that trusting in Jesus does make you a new creation.  It does not make you perfect overnight (I can attest to that) and it does not guarantee an easy ride in life (I can also attest to that!), but the moment you surrender to Christ something changes in you, immediately and palpably, something changes.

I wrote about my decision to become a Christian in a blog many moons ago. You can read about it here in my faith story. That was the time when everything changed for me and I did become a new creation.

If you're looking for a new start; if you want hope, faith and love; if you long to be a new creation, set free to be what God intended throughout all of the highs and lows of life, I highly recommend turning to Jesus to become a new creation. Do it!

Check out my "Engineer's Gospel" for more info on how to do it.

Some good questions

In my last blog I talked about asking good questions in order to understand and go deeper, without bias or prejudice. In this blog I want t...