Sunday, January 12, 2020

An Abundant Life

Wow, here we are in a New Year and new decade. Happy 2020 everyone!

At the end of last year (last decade in fact!) I wrapped up a series of blogs looking at the Christian faith with a summary blog entitled "Bringing it all together." I enjoyed writing the series and, even more, I enjoyed some of the comments I got back, particularly those challenging my views with thoughtful responses. Those responses got me thinking that I needed to add a bit of a post script to the series to clarify my thinking on what it means to live a good life.

Firstly, I know many, many, good people that live upright and moral lives.  I don't think everyone is as fortunate as me in this, but most of the people I've known over my 49 years on this Earth have been decent and caring people. They recognize right from wrong. They want what is good for themselves and for humanity in general. They are abhorred when they see obvious evil. They uphold the virtues of loving families and friendships. Some of these people have been Christians; many have not. So it's plain to me that you can live a "good life" and be a good and decent person in general and not be a Christian. My arguments for choosing to follow Christ are definitely not that you need to be a Christian in order to be "good." (In fact any Christian who knows the basics of their faith would tell you that they are not good at all, but maybe that's a topic for a different blog!)

Secondly, there are many people who live lives that are pretty full. They have the love of their life, or big families they love, or a hobby they enjoy, or work that gives a sense of accomplishment. I would guess there are many more that do not have what they consider to be full and meaningful lives, but for sure there are people who would consider themselves to have lived, or be living, a full and busy life, thank you very much.

So, what's the big deal with this Jesus guy, and why do people choose to follow Him? I can't answer for everyone, but for me personally it's not the good life, or even a full life that drew me to Christ and keeps me there. It's His offer of an abundant life.
"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly," Jesus
What do I mean by abundant life? From my own experience it boils down to three main things which I'll summarize in the sections below.

A Code to Live By

I've read through the Bible a few times over the years and the more I dig into it, the more I'm blown away by it's uniqueness and potency.  Of all the guidebooks and ways of living out your life, I would say that living by the instruction given in the Bible - Old Testament and New - will give you an abundant and satisfying life:  not an easy life, mind you, but a life of purpose and meaning that is truly a code to live by. For anyone interested, I commend to you The Bible Project as a great place to start to dig into the riches of the Bible for yourself.

A Companion to Guide You

But, the Christian life is not just about living out what's written in the Bible the best you can on your own. Jesus said "I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever." This Helper is the Holy Spirit.  When you put your trust in Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to live in you, and works with you as a companion to guide you. I'm not the best at listening to Him all the time, but when I do, I see things shifting in the right direction. Never alone,  I feel a peace, comfort and joy that's beyond words.

A Compelling Endgame

Finally, and I think I've touched on this in previous posts, the ultimate reason for following Jesus is not this life, but the next one. However good or bad this life turns out to be, however full or empty my experience seems on this Earth, they are nothing in comparison to what lies in store for those who trust in Him for the next life.  The Bible says it this way:
What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.
 That's an abundant life.

Some good questions

In my last blog I talked about asking good questions in order to understand and go deeper, without bias or prejudice. In this blog I want t...