Monday, June 21, 2021

Weighty Words

 In our media-saturated age, words are abundant and talk seems cheap. There is no shortage of people offering their opinions with a tirade of angry prose, lambasting the stupidity of their opponents’ views, whilst trying to make their own point by sheer volume of text. The one that says the most must be right, right?

Maybe not.

It has been a while since I wrote my last blog, and even longer since I attempted a series of blogs, but I’m going to give it another shot. This time I’m going to focus on the meaning of words.  A while back I did a post that included a discussion of the old word seemly. Maybe that was the start of me thinking about the meaning of words. So here I go writing some blogs about words.

But not just any old words. 

I’m picking a handful of what I’ll call “weighty words.” These are words where you could just throw them into a sentence, but you’d miss their meaning. These are words where, if you stop and ponder what they can mean, they can shift your thinking, touch your heart, and move your very soul. Weighty words, indeed.

So what words shall I pick? You might have a different list of weighty words, but here are mine which I’ll unpack over the next several blogs…

  • Peace
  • Love
  • Joy
  • Holy
  • Faith
  • Hope
  • Freedom

Some good questions

In my last blog I talked about asking good questions in order to understand and go deeper, without bias or prejudice. In this blog I want t...