Sunday, November 10, 2019

Bringing it all together

Having started this blog on February 22, 2018 with the intent of encouraging people to "get off the fence" and put their trust in Jesus, in March 2018 I started then a series of 10 blogs on "Reasons to Not Believe" in which I presented 10 arguments or excuses for not believing and I attempted to give reasonable responses to each, with the hope of maybe nudging someone off their fence. Then roughly a year later I did a second series of 10 reasons, but this time focusing on the positives of the Christian message of reasons to believe. Maybe this helped to pull someone off a fence instead of pushing? I don't know.

At the bottom of this blog are the 20 reasons listed out with hyperlinks for handy access. I'd be interested to know which ones resonated most and which really didn't click for you.  Faith is a personal thing and the ways and means by which God draws people to Himself are varied. I'd love to hear your faith story if you're willing to share it either publicly in a comment, or privately directly to me.

If you want a full life, and not be comfortably numb; if you can overcome cultural constraints and worries about missing out on what this world may offer; if you apply your mind to intellectual objections or plain ignorance; if you take the initiative and don't wait until later, overcoming peer pressure or misconceptions about Christians; if you seek the unique path God has for you and realize no-one is ever too far gone for Him to reach you... then you can leave the fence and enter into love, joy, peace, hope, restored relationships, community, logic, eternal life and a reward as a new creation in Christ Jesus.

If you're still on the fence but want to respond, check out this website from Billy Graham Ministries or drop me a note. I'd love to help you in your faith journey:

10 Reasons to Not Believe

10 Reasons to Believe

  1. Love
  2. Joy
  3. Peace
  4. Hope
  5. Relationships Restored
  6. Community
  7. Logic
  8. Eternal life
  9. Reward
  10. A New Creation

Some good questions

In my last blog I talked about asking good questions in order to understand and go deeper, without bias or prejudice. In this blog I want t...